A few weeks ago, we had the Secret Santa thing going on. What started out as a simple gifts exchange event became a major CSI drama in the office. GP and Allie got obsessed over knowing who is whose Secret Santa and formed the GPS team.
GPS means Gila Power Syndrome in our office, but now they have redefined it to become Gaik Ping Subramanian.
They guessed, investigated, and force-confessed people in the office to complete their list of Secret Santas. And over conversations and MSN, they will tell us “I know who your Secret Santa is!” before they put up a big grin and said “But I won’t tell you”.
But it was great fun on the 23rd! Look at our happy faces! My Secret Santa was Nico, freaky since I was GP's secret santa... the BMW triplets. Same thing happened to the healthcare team too. We also received personal gifts from each other, the amount of love was just overflowing that day.
Ku giving his speech
Warm and fuzzy felling
Other than a few, the GPS team got almost everyone's Secret Santa correct.
GP checking her not-so-perfect list
The office also went to Karaoke on the same night. And my gosh, the Scary-oke became one of the most fun K-outing I have ever been to! We discovered singing machines, song birds, and ha ha, I sang too, voluntarily!
Big thanks to Ku, Joyce, Jida, Kel, Nico and GP; you guys gave me my first pink-lavender coloured shirt; a book to accompany me (I love the personal note in it); know my music taste (must admit, was a bit worried when I saw the CD shape wrapper); and know my favourite brand for skincare!
Not in the picture: BearBrick Series 17 from Zoe (I kept your small note), a very entertaining “oil hour glass” from Fazz (probably the gift that I’m going to stare at the most, ah yes thanks GP for the correction), and Vennese’s obscenely big pen from Scotland.
P/S: I’m grateful for the two Christmas that we spent together. Merry Christmas & happy anniversary.
haha....merry xmas :D