Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Closing the book

Can you believe this? 2009 just zoomed past us, and here we are, 10 more days before Christmas. It feels like yesterday when the then triplet (now quadruplet) told each other "2009 is all about Efficient Dynamics", don't you think?

There were a handful of joyous occasions, and a few sad ones. If I am to sum it all up, I will remember 2009 as the year when I became MINI Master (I got a cert for this okay), promoted to SAE, went to Taipei, traveled with MAS to Sandakan, done drive events in Kuching + K.Terengganu, BMW Shorties 2009, and the new HD-Ready TV in my living room rocks.

Of course, I also found you. The one with many nicknames- talk back machine, DDSD, and now Rudolph. Here's to another year of sweet and exciting journey.

2009 is also the year we decided to walk out from a six years (or is it seven?) client-agency relationship. To the account that made me who I am today, I bid you farewell. Although I will miss you dearly, I'm also certain that this separation will do us good.

So it is official, no more BMW Quadruplets. Meet the Astro Boys.


  1. *sob* I know, felt like yesterday that we were in the meeting room discussing 09's strategy and Ku stressing out over ED. It's been one year!!!

    Astro Boys + Ghost of FHKL heheh?? otherwise I feel neglected =P

  2. Haha, sure! BTW, we just done the handover this morning. The book is officially closed!
