I was tagged by
princess jni. What else about me you wanna know la?
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1.What are your goals/dreams?
♥ To make a difference in my life, my family's life, my friend's life.
2. The most happiest thing in your life?
♥ Currently, is to have all my friends around me (yes i'm talking to you!)
3.Favourite colour?
♥ Colourful
4. What would you do if u have a million dollars?
♥ Quit job and go study, get my master, do another master. Learn diving. Buy 2 apartments, one for self and one to rent.
5. Where do you wish to go the most? Why?
♥ Now, i want to go to Hong Kong. I want to do my master there. Final destination- Japan.
6. What is your weakness that you can't stand the most?
♥ Lazy. Being nice to people.
7. What will you do if you face something sad?
♥ Have fun and forget about it. Worst case, talk to friends.
8. Most afraid to lose..?
♥ Loved ones.
9. What is the practical target within this 5 years?
♥ Completed my master and work in Hong Kong.
10. Ask yourself, do you like yourself?
♥ of course =)
11. Favorite song?
♥ this Malay song called
Sempurna. Its amazing. Dedicated to the low self esteemer.
12.What weird things that you wish to happen?
♥ Chinese/ Indian become Malaysia Prime Minister
13.What age do you wish to live until?
♥ The day when all my loved ones were gone ( i mean my peers la of coz)
14. You Hate which type of people the most?
♥ Snob
15. Are you satisfied with your life?
♥ Yes
16. What do you wish to do the most now?
♥ Lose 6-7 kg
17. What do you think will make you think that the human nature is dark?
♥ We are carnivores. We eat each other to survive.
18. If you are in deepest depression, who will you look for?
♥ J & Ang Co.
19. If god will give you one thing and take away another, what do you think it will be?
♥ Give me opportunity and take away my laziness
20. Have you found yourself?
♥ Getting there.