Monday, 30 November 2009


You know what is cool? Nominated for Asia Pacific SABRE Awards is.

See the link here. BMW Shorties in South East Asia category.

Congratulations to the network for 19 nominations. Proud to be FH-ers~

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Twinkies & Twiggies


昨天看了一部相当幽默的丧尸片,Zombieland。Little Miss Sunshine里的小女主角,Abigail Breslin在丧尸片里长大了好多。除此之外,此片还真的很脑残。



Thursday, 5 November 2009


THE event is next week. It will be my last. Sigh. But as they say, if the decision makes you feel relieved, then it is the right one.

Ok, something entirely different, since I was having this conversation, here's a good tip to enjoy your work- ownership.

I know. It is quite common sense, but not many of us remember that greater level of involvement brings greater level of job satisfaction. Especially for those who manages downward, if you want to make people who work for you happy, you must involve them, give them more ownership and eventually let go.

I must say I'm very lucky and am very grateful. So if I become an authoritarian in exchange for efficiency, please, point me back here. Thanks.